October 31st 2017 saw the presentation of the fourth HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL at Primary School ‘Đura Jakšić’ Zaječar. Along with the Horror Art Gallery, the audience had the opportunity to see and hear the reciters of horror poetry in The English and the Old Norse language; THE HYDES BAND performing three songs ‘This is Halloween’ (The Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack cover), Horror Library and Scary Thoughts (original songs) live on stage. Due to technical difficulties, the planned projections of the five short films weren’t accomplished. In the end a masquerade was held and the best masks were chosen: Danijela Božinović (VII3), the Spooky girl with a spookier baby and Jovana Mihajlović (VI1), the Zip-faced Zombie. Jana Urošević (V2) and Sara Herjavec (V2) were awarded for the best horror painting. The festival was organised by THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT.