October 31st 2016 saw the presentation of the third HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL atThe Primary School ‘Đura Jakšić’ Zaječar. More than 200 spectators had the opportunity to see and hear the reciters of EDGAR ALLAN POE’s poetry; THE HORROR LIBRARY BAND performing three original songs: ‘These walls have always screamed my name’, ‘Horror library’ and ‘It’s following me’ live on stage. After this rocking spectacle, SIX SHORT FILMS were presented. In the end a masquerade was held and the best masks were chosen: 1st place - Andrija Tošić (VIII 1 ), 2nd place - Anđela Mihajilović(V 2 ), 3rd place - Milena Arlov (VI 2 ). The Festival was organised by THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT.